Reinvent Yourself with Physical Therapy in 2020


The science of healthcare is constantly evolving. Treatments are improving, and advances in science now allow individuals to live longer.

Physical therapy has seen significant changes and is now considered an accepted form of treatment for multiple conditions. Physical therapy can help reduce pain, improve mobility, and help patients to live happier, healthier lives.

Physical therapists help improve the quality of life through the optimization of movement. As the new year unfolds, we hope to get the opportunity to inspire you, and your family, to enjoy the benefits of an active, pain-free lifestyle.

What Physical Therapy Can Do For You

  1. Physical therapy reduces injury – Your therapist can provide you with a structured, progressive exercise program to reduce injuries with a combination of warm-up routines, stretching, and movement techniques. This will allow you to participate in the types of activity you enjoy without the risk of pain and injury.
  2. Physical therapy helps improve strength and balance – A progressive exercise program improves muscle strength and promotes balance and stabilization. Elderly patients, in particular, are at a risk for falls and/or poor balance.
  3. Physical therapy helps diabetes and heart disease – Diabetes and heart disease are global health concerns associated with several complications. Concerns include impaired blood circulation, nerve conduction problems, and muscle weakness. Physical therapy plays an important role in the treatment of conditions like heart disease and diabetes. A specific and well-designed exercise program under the supervision of a physical therapist can improve blood flow, nerve conduction, and muscle strength in a safe and progressive manner.
  4. Physical therapy helps improve posture – Every physical movement involves muscle contractions, joint motion, and posture alignments. In a world where we spend more time sitting than ever before, postural problems are abundant. If you spend time hunched over your desk with your neck thrust forward and shoulders slouched, consider a postural evaluation with a physical therapist. A physical therapist can correct muscle imbalances, relieve joint tightness, and help improve breathing patterns. 

2020 Ushers in a New Age of Physical Therapy

The key to a healthy life is movement and function. Limitation in mobility and function impacts the quality of your life.

This can limit an individual’s ability to be an active participant in society. The good news is that the benefits of physical therapy are far-reaching. This makes therapy one of the most sought-after treatments for patients with a variety of illnesses.

The year 2020 brings renewed confidence from the medical and patient community on the benefits of exercise and function. Physical therapists adhere to strict professional standards, collaborate with other healthcare professionals, and come up with innovative treatments to help you live your life with abundance and energy.

Start the year right by contacting us to learn more about what we can do for you. Give your body the gift of good health in the New Year.

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Reach Out for Expert Physical Therapy and Get Back to Your Active Lifestyle!