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Injury Care: R.I.C.E.

Whether you are clumsy or stable, injuries are bound to happen. Injuries can be prevented but for some this requires more time spent being cautious and in turn can make some tasks seem limited. After an injury occurs, panic overloads the body. If you are severely injured please seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you are the type who can manage the pain, here are some easy tips that can help promote the healing process.

R.I.C.E. is the key acronym you will use for the next three days as pain lasting any longer can be a sign of a more serious problem and if so an appointment should be set with a specialist.  So what does R.I.C.E stand for?

R: Protect the area that is swollen or injured by RESTing. Take a break from the activity that caused the problem.  If you are the type of individual that has a high tolerance for pain and is able to push past it, please do yourself a favor and take R.I.C.E into consideration as you may be prolonging or preventing proper healing.

I: Icing the injured area with an ice pack can help reduce swelling. Cold slows down circulation of blood flow therefore reducing pain and swelling. With this in mind, it is important to remember not to place ice directly to your skin. Instead wrap a towel over the ice pack to prevent discomfort. Apply ice for 10 to 20 minutes as many times as you can throughout the day.

C: Wrap the injured area so the compression can help decrease swelling. Wrapping a bandage too tight can cause more swelling around the affected area. Some signs of tight bandages include numbness, tingling, and an increase in pain. If the bandage is too loose compressions will have no effect so it is best to try and find a happy balance.

E: Elevate the injured area. If your injury consists of a sprained ankle, elevating the the area involves keeping your foot not on an angle. Keep your muscles relaxed at all times as this can be a factor in the healing process. Avoid any unnecessary strain to your injury.

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